- Mobile Communications replaces fixed
2010-05-17 00:00:00
In the United States was carried out social research, whereby it became known that the stationary link supplanted by mobile phones. This is evidenced by many studies, including the recently published Associated Press. The survey involved more than 21 thousand U.S. residents. Now in every quarter of the U.S. House have mobile phones, but not the traditional (fixed) lines.Particularly high rate among young and poor. At the same time, only 15% of homes in the U.S. have landlines, but unable to benefit from mobile phones. About a third of people under 35 years use cellular communication, and at the age of 25 - 29 years their number exceeds 50%. Among people over 65 years of cellular communications and enjoys every twentieth. And most exclusive mobile communication enjoys Hispanic black population - 30%. The poll was conducted from July to December 2009, therefore, likely to amount only speaking by mobile phone has increased many times. Source: GSMPress
- Mobile Communications replaces fixed