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Satellite TerreStar Genus smartphone went on sale

Satellite TerreStar Genus smartphone went on sale - изображение

When the earth ceases to work any network ... and it becomes impossible to communicate with their loved ones ... comes to the rescue satellite link! And smartphone TerreStar Genus!

Smartphone TerreStar Genus operates in GSM and HSPA, and if necessary can also be connected to a satellite. Smartphone, unfortunately, is intended only for U.S. users, as a satellite link only works within range of a "space bird' TerreStar, which includes the U.S., Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands and the coastal waters. And everywhere the user will be available for one number.

Since the official announcement of the smartphone TerreStar Genus before the start of sales took place almost a year. The device runs Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and among its specifications: 2.6-inch touchscreen display, QWERTY keyboard, support for 3G, camera modules, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and GPS receiver.

Smartphone TerreStar Genus is a lot of money and afford to buy expensive toy will only wealthy residents of America. Price TerreStar Genus is 799 dollars, and must pay for connection to the satellite 25 dollars per month.

Source: ®


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