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Sony prepares first WP-7 smartphone (photo)

 Sony prepares first WP-7 smartphone (photo) - изображение

The Japanese manufacturer Sony has decided not to ignore the recently released Windows Phne platform 7 and is preparing to release a smartphone based on this operating system. Today, the Internet got the first photos of the device, which will be shown to the public at the exhibition MWC 2012.

The new smartphone is puzzling, since the sample is shown emblazoned logo Sony Ericsson, although Sony has already bought its stake in the mobile giant, and even had time to announce the first smartphones under its own brand. Possible development is the result of a collaborative effort between defunct Swedish-Japanese group.

It is also surprising form factor system, all previously submitted WP-7 smartphones were made in the form factor monoblock, Sony Ericsson has decided to go the other way and let a slider with a sliding QWERTY keyboard. Unfortunately, the technical characteristics of the device is still unknown. The official announcement will take place at the upcoming smartphone exhibition MWC 2012.

Source: ®


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