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Sony Ericsson is fully acquired by Sony Corporation

Sony Ericsson is fully acquired by Sony Corporation - изображение

The Internet appeared rumors that the company Sony Corporation, has its share of Sony Ericsson, is going to completely buy out the company. Confirming rumors not long in coming, and already after one week, a leaked report, the company Sony Corporation became the sole owner of Sony Ericsson. The deal amounted to 1.45 billion U.S. dollars.

Under the control of the Japanese company Sony took over not only the 50% stake in Swedish company, but also patents, owned by Sony Ericsson. Managers of companies have already made formal statements confirming the above facts. Sony has plans to continue the increased development in the four most popular destinations - the creation of laptops, televisions creation, the creation of tablet PCs and smart phones.

All new devices will be integrated with Sony Entertaiment and PlayStation Network, through which users will be sold to multimedia content. Recall that Sony Ericsson is the result of combining Sony and Ericsson in 2001.

The second important news was a complete failure of Sony Ericsson mobile phones on the issue. The company intends to cease production of basic mobile and to focus on manufacturing smartphones. Now Sony Ericsson is developing quite successfully smartphone Xperia, which already has a large variety of devices. Already today 80% of sales falls on the sale of Android-smartphone Xperia. By 2012, the company will be releasing exclusive and smart phones will be the first major manufacturer of mobile technology, to stop issuing mobile phones.

Recall that the company has put quite SonyEricsson its position in the mobile phone market, but this year managed to increase the proportion of their Android-smartphone up to 12% of the total number of units sold.

Source: ®


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