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Samsung AQUA - tachfon with a revolutionary design

Samsung AQUA - tachfon with a revolutionary design - изображение

Have you ever painted with water droplets on the glass? This habit with us since childhood. To use this idea has decided to South Korean designer Bon Seop Ku in the design of mobile phones. Thus was created the concept of "water" phone Samsung AQUA. This is a very original and fantastic idea!

Samsung AQUA presented in the form of classical tachfon, housing unit is fully transparent and is equipped with a transparent AMOLED-display. All interface elements reminiscent of the drawings on the glass with water, and work with these elements like playing with water. For example, in order to remove a badge from the screen, simply wipe it off his finger.
As a source of energy it uses environmentally friendly fuel cell.

Will there be Samsung AQUA in the near future or will remain only in the conceptual version is not yet known.

Source: ®


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