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Samsung will use the technology in the new S Pen Gadget

Samsung will use the technology in the new S Pen Gadget - изображение

Samsung has received many positive reviews from owners of the smartphone Galaxy Note, a large number of reviews praising the owners of the new technology S Pen, which lets you use the stylus to draw and work with a capacitive touch screen.

As a result of such praise, the South Korean manufacturer has decided to use this technology with the release of their new gadgets. We will soon be able to see on sale new smartphones and tablets from Samsung with electronic pens. In an interview with Laptop, marketing manager at Samsung Ryan Bidan, reported that the technology could be used in devices with very different diagonal display.

The use of digital pens and tablets, smartphones will attract additional attention of users. Technology S Pen like artists, busy people, as well as older users who do not like typing on the numeric keypad. Also it will help make the device very different from the company's products Apple. Recall that the two companies for the second year are prosecuted and the "apple" the company accused the Koreans of copying their devices.

Source: ®


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