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Old mobile phone in exchange for money

Old mobile phone in exchange for money  - изображение

Company EcoATM found in Nebraska Furniture Mart rather interesting device by which you can exchange old mobile phone for the money.
The device is an automated kiosk EcoATM, which primarily aims at improving the ecological state of our planet. Now a lot of attention paid to recycling and reuse of various household appliances, including mobile phones. Automated kiosk EcoATM designed exactly for this. The principle of the apparatus is quite simple: the owner of a mobile phone puts it in a special tray and shows his model. The machine with the camera assesses the apparent condition of the device (the integrity of the display, the presence of all the buttons, etc.) and then informs the owner of the device how much willing to pay for it. If the amount is satisfied, then the machine just gives her.
The first day after the installation of automatic EcoATM people passed the 23 mobile phone. In the future, the company EcoATM plans to install similar machines throughout the United States and teach them to not only phones but also other mobile devices.

Source: ®


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