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Nokia Supreme contains 1,225 diamonds

Nokia Supreme contains 1,225 diamonds  - изображение

Earlier Finnish company Nokia their expensive phone models produced under the brand Vertu. But now the company has decided to make an exception and has created an expensive luxury model for the astronomical price.
This mobile phone is called Nokia Supreme, was engaged in its design, well-known jeweler Stuart Hughes (Stuart Hughes). The basis of an expensive phone went to the Nokia 8800 Arte. All specifications correspond to the original, the main difference in design. Jeweler adorned Corps Nokia Supreme platinum and pink diamonds. The total weight of platinum used is 83 g, and the number of diamonds placed on the housing-1225 units. The navigation button is a large diamond with a weight of three carats.
Phone Nokia Supreme decorated in a box, its walls made of granite and decorated the inside of the skin. Cost Nokia Supreme is £ 99,995 or $ 160,000.

Source: ® 


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