A tiny radio transmitter is built in a small tag working in the range of 100 meters from a cell phone. This simple device and your cell phone will help you to find lost keys, purses and so on.
The Nokia Locate Sensor works in the following way. Special software should be installed on your cell phone enabling it to “see” the tag and show its location by an arrow on the display.
It should be mentioned that a single phone supports 100 tags at once. However, it is not clear yet how to find what you really want to, and not a purse instead of keys for instance.
The location tag can also keep an eye on your cell phone so that you’ll never leave it somewhere. To use the Nokia Locate Sensor in this way you should place it in your pocket and set the acceptable distance between the tag and your phone. Once you go too far from your cell phone, you hear an alarm, and the application disables the handset until it reenters your close vicinity.
So far, there is no information of whether the Nokia Locate Sensor is just a prototype or a device ready for shipping.