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Microsoft is working on Windows Phone Tango for cost smartphones

Microsoft is working on Windows Phone Tango for cost smartphones - изображение

This fall, the market should reach a few smartphones running Windows Phone 7 Mango. Now on sale no devices running this operating system. As you know, WP7 quite demanding on the hardware side, Microsoft Smartphones and decided to release a version of the operating system called Windows Phone Tango, which will be installed at low cost smartphones.

The first devices running on Windows WP 7 Tango will be smartphones of Nokia, has signed a cooperation agreement with Microsoft and produces smartphones only on its own operating system and WP7. Most likely from the usual WP7, Tango version will differ in certain optimizations and limitations that would allow her to work on weak hardware.

The exact specifications for the new version of the OS at the moment unknown. Most likely the Windows Phone 7 Tango will be announced before the release of Apollo (Windows Phone 8), roughly until the end of 2012. Well, maybe iOS and Android will be a worthy competitor.

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