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Lockitron help open the door with your phone

 Lockitron help open the door with your phone - изображение

The future begins! Lockitron company announced a new system able to open the apartment door with a mobile phone.

Lockitron owners no longer need to carry keys, for what used to get home using a simple mobile phone. And it's not all. It often happens that someone is out with relatives or friends to get to your house and take something. There is no need to give them an extra set of keys, or ride along with them. You can safely is at work and remotely open the door to a man by sending SMS with a special key.

Smartphone with NFC chip is still easier to just hold the phone to lock and the door itself opens. All relatives and friends can give both permanent and temporary keys are of limited duration.

Lockitron system compatible with most modern locks and only 15 minutes time + screwdriver to install it.

The list of what will be needed for the system:

  • Access to the Internet + free Ethernet jack on the switch or router
  • The ability to place the base station to the Internet at a distance of 10-30 paces from the door
  • Wooden door. You can also use metal, but between the base station and the door Lockitron will need to put a wooden box.

Proper fastening the door. Sagging or bent door can cause a malfunction of the system. Price Lockitron system is $ 300. A very interesting and relatively inexpensive solution for geeks.

Source: ®


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