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Four exclusive Vertu phones symbolizing the seasons

Four exclusive Vertu phones symbolizing the seasons  - изображение

The company Vertu occurred just two major events - the official opening of the next store in Tokyo and the announcement of four exclusive luxury mobile phones. 

The new models are called Vertu Kinko, Vertu Kikusui, Vertu Nanten and Vertu Daigo. Each of the phones symbolizes his time, and has an appropriate appearance. In the body, made of precious materials, the wizard manually caused patterns of leaves, flowers, snowflakes, etc. And as befits exclusivity - will be released only four copies of each model. 

Future owners of phones Vertu Kinko, Vertu Kikusui, Vertu Nanten and Vertu Daigo will be able to make free calls within Japan, but the proposal is unlikely to be interested buyers, as the cost of one such phone is $ 215 thousand. 

Source: ®


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