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CampStove - Charge your phone with fire

CampStove - Charge your phone with fire - изображение

The company has offered BioLite environmentally friendly way to charge the phone that will appeal to lovers of travel. Recently, the manufacturer announced a charger called CampStove, which can replenish the battery with a small fire. This gadget is simply irreplaceable in nature and enjoy the fans stay in tents.

Charging produces electricity from heat that is released during combustion of wood or other materials. Marketers manufacturer taking aim at tourists, people living far away from civilization and even the markets of countries experiencing difficulties with energy.

In a stove built a small generator that runs on the principle of the dynamo and generating electricity for charging. The generator is driven by warm air from the stove, which occurs during the combustion of materials. To charge gadgets using a standard USB connector, released enough energy to charge the navigators, music players and smartphones. Dimensions of the oven up 21h13 centimeters and weighs no more than one gadget pounds.

At the moment, charging CampStove already available for pre-order on the manufacturer's website. Price of the device is $ 129. In the free market will CampStove this summer.

Demonstration of CampStove:

Source: ®


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