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BlackBerry smartphone with 10 will be released closer to the end of 2012

 BlackBerry smartphone with 10 will be released closer to the end of 2012 - изображение

Representatives from RIM lifted the curtain of secrecy and told about the new operating system BalckBerry 10. The first device running the new "axis" will be available only in the second half of 2012.

One of the directors of RIM, Mike Lazaridis said: "We expect that the first smartphone with BlackBerry 10 will be on the market in the second half of 2012."

Along with this information, the company has published a report on the company's profit in the third quarter of 2011. The company's earnings for this period amounted to $ 5.2 billion, but net profit is not so big - $ 265 million.

RIM has not been able to promote your Tablet PC BlackBerry PlayBook and even dropping the price of the device is almost twice as able to sell only 150,000 units. With sales of smartphones situation looks better for this period have been sold 14.1 million units. It is true that the company expected to decline in sales in the fourth quarter.

Source: ®


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