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The most expensive iPhone 4 in the world

The most expensive iPhone 4 in the world - изображение


The other day the audience was presented the most expensive in the world smartphone worth $ 8 million. It was created by world famous designer Stuart Hughes, he has long been known for skillfully turns ordinary electronic devices in luxury goods. This time was "a pleasure" smartphone iPhone 4, now it is considered to be the most expensive smartphone in the world.

Who would agree to buy such an expensive toy and put it over her fortune? Actually, the expensive iPhone 4 is the customer and know that he immediately ordered two of these models. Customer name is not called, but it is known that he was from Australia.

Earlier designer Stuart Hughes "ennobled" iPhone 4, but if its budget was limited to 20 thousand dollars, compared to the present - a penny. What is unusual and expensive in the smartphone? Housing iPhone 4 is made of gold and encrusted with more than 500 diamonds, a total of more than 100 carats. For Smartphone provides the granite box.

Source: ®


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