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Cache for cigarettes in the mobile phone

Cache for cigarettes in the mobile phone - изображение


For many people hide the cigarettes, a big problem. For example, they need to hide from parents, her husband, a wife, etc. The new mobile phone made in China will help solve this problem.

After all, hardly anyone would ever think to look for cigarettes in the mobile phone. The device is a small red candy bar with a cavity inside (for cigarettes). In addition to nicotine, it also includes: VGA-camera, MP3 player, color display, and microSD-card slot.

On the back of the device written an entire lecture on the dangers of smoking. Truth in Chinese, but for the sake of this - and you can learn the language.

For a cache for cigarettes will pay $ 175. When a new product appears on the Ukrainian market is unknown.

Source: ®

Cache for cigarettes in the mobile phone - изображение 1



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